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Emily finally received her first package. It was sent 2 months ago. |
Hola! I wish I could say that this week was one of success, but that just wouldn't be the truth. Missionary work is hard! Amazing and hard. Hermana Reyes and I have had about 7 or 8 nights now of asking ourselves, "what more can we do?" But, here we are...working hard and having faith that the miracles will follow soon. We found comfort and guidance in the words found in D&C 19: 29-30. "And thou shalt declare glad tidings, yea, publish it upon the mountains, and upon every high place, and among every people that thou shalt be permitted to see. And though shalt do it with humility, trusting in me..." So, things aren't perfect... However, I am learning how to put more trust in my Savior, and becoming more humble. So, all is well!
As far as investigators go, we couldn't visit Vilma this week because we can only go when members are able to go with us... But I'm hoping this week someone will be available. We had a lesson with Rosa Elena on Saturday, she is doing well, and we are doing our best to help her work through her doubts. We did make some progress with Omar this week. Omar is a 19-year old young man who is dating a less-active member. We met him our second week here, and have been teaching him pretty consistently, but he overall has been pretty closed off to the idea of baptism. He told us on Friday that he believes Joseph Smith was a prophet, that the Book of Mormon is true, and also the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. However, he isn't confident in the idea of there only being one church with true priesthood authority. As we were trying to explain with logic why this was the case, I had a feeling that Omar's concern with this might run deeper than we thought. I then had a strong impression to explain to Omar that the people who didn't have an opportunity to know the gospel here on the earth would be given a chance in the next life to accept it. Omar started to cry and explained that both of his parents passed away when he was young, and it would have been impossible to accept the fact that his parents wouldn't be saved because they hadn't been baptized by correct priesthood authority. He also said that he didn't know how, but there was some feeling in his chest and he knew that everything I had said was true. Ah, the Holy Ghost had touched the heart of Omar! Something that I once thought was impossible. Omar told us he wanted to be baptized..but then he didn't come to church. Ugh! I have faith he will be there next week. I think being a missionary is maybe the most amazing thing I've ever done. The Lord is putting thoughts into my mind and words into my mouth I couldn't have ever thought of on my own. We aren't having a ton of success, but I know that this is the Lord's work, and that He is with us here in Ataco.
Let us take a minute to remember the relationship I have with my Father in Heaven right now. Oh yes, when I ask for help with something the situation is made 10x worse so that I'll get over myself - it's great. After killing 8 tennis-ball sized spiders and 5 cockroaches one morning, I said a prayer asking that the bugs would go away. Haha, a ridiculous thing to ask...But I was about at my limit. When we returned home that night, we heard something in the kitchen. After moving the table, we discovered a rat! And not just any rat, a cat-sized rat, with red-beady eyes. I have never been so terrified, or screamed louder in my life. The rat left running, but I live in constant paranoia that it is going to come back. So I guess as long as I don't have to kill rat, I'll deal with the bugs... Haha, ahh, Ataco is going to kill me.
Well, that's about it for the week. My testimony is that Christ lives and that our Heavenly Father loves his children...each of you. Our knowledge of the gospel gives us light in a world that isn't super bright... Especially when you lose electricity for 4 hours. I love you all dearly. I love being a missionary, and I love my Savior!
Until next week,
Hermana Houston

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