The surprise party for my sweet Hermana Reyes was a success! Complete with Hello Kitty Party Hats and everything, haha. Saying goodbye to her this week was difficult. After spending everyday with someone for 3 months, well, you're pretty used to having them around. I miss her, but Hermana Rayo and I are having a great time together. Hermana Rayo is 23 years old and from Nicaragua. She is an enthusiastic, hilarious, pupusa - loving missionary - and we are having so much fun here in Ataco.
I saw the fruits of 3 months of work this week as Rosa Elena came to church and has decided to follow the example of her Savior and be baptized! She is preparing to be baptized on the 29th of October with Fernando, and there just truly aren't words to describe the joy that I feel in my heart. I know that this decision is going to bless the lives of this little family forever, and I am so happy for them.
We hiked the mountain to visit Vilma this week so that she could tell us that she doesn't want us to visit her anymore... Ah, well, if you ever want to break my heart that's one way to do it. I know that Vilma will have another chance to hear the gospel, and I hope that one day she will be more open to the message. Also, Vilma has a dog. A bear- sized, ferocious dog. Usually the bear is always locked up during the day...But as we were walking I saw 'Princesa' running, rapidly, through the forest. I was walking with my 9 year old best friend Sammy, and realized that this monster was heading for us. I was so worried about her that I didn't have time to think about how to save myself, and by the time I threw Sammy out of the way the dog was attacking me. But nothing happened. She was biting my legs, scratching my arms...And I felt nothing. My Father in Heaven protected me to the point that my skin broke the tooth of this deadly dog, and she ran off whimpering. As I think back on the experience I still feel absolute shock and wonder.... But I know that our Heavenly Father is all powerful, and that he is carefully watching over me here is Ataco. I couldn't be more thankful.
Well, I know this church is true. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to share this gospel with the people here in Ataco. I love you all dearly, and pray that your are doing well.
Until next week.
Hermana Houston
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