Hola! Another week gone by... How crazy! This week was full of pink sunsets, a million laughs, and the spirit! I felt the Holy Ghost in abundance, so that made for a pretty good week. The conference with Dallin H. Oaks yesterday was amazing, and by some miracle I got to see my beautiful friend from the MTC, Hermana Ashton. It was fun to see how much our Spanish has improved, and just overall how much we've grown in the last few months. Neither of us can believe that in just 1 week we'll have been serving for 5 months! I can't get over how fast the time is going by.

Things are going well here in Ataco. I don't think my relationship with Hermana Rayo could be any better. We are having great time together, and we can teach together really well which has been cool. This week she told me that I'm too sensitive, haha. That I need to learn how to toughen up a little bit and have more confidence in myself. Which is true.... So, now she insults me 3 times a day and I can't let it affect me. It's a strange method of improvement- but it's working. So I'm thankful.
Ah, investigators. Some things came up while helping Rosa Elena prepare for her baptism, so Fernando and his sweet momma won't be getting baptized this week. However, she has a strong desire to follow Christ and change her life, so I have no doubt that she will have the chance to do so very soon.

Meet my good friend Jose. Jose is an 82- year old man who has a heart of stone...haha. I don't know if I have ever met anyone as cold as this man. All of his family are members, but he doesn't want anything to do with the church. There was something about the way that he told me that he would rather give up pupusas for the rest of his life than talk with the missionaries, that made me want to find a way into his little frozen heart. Every day from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Jose cuts wood. He doesn't sell it, he doesn't use it. He stores it, because he likes it. Every day we pass by his house, always asking if he needs help, to which we always get the reply, " Girls like you can't cut wood." So this week I made a bet with Jose that if I could cut a piece of wood in under a minute he had to read a verse of the Book of Mormon with us. Well, it worked! We now meet with Jose everyday to teach and help him with his doubts. He read 1st and 2nd Nephi in 3 days. Little by little I'm watching my good friend open his heart to the gospel of Jesus Christ - and it is the most amazing thing ever.

My sweet friend Fatima has been called to serve in Cancun, Mexico! She doesn't leave until March, so I told her I'll come visit her once I'm done here haha. I know she is going to be such a good missionary, and it is super fun to see the work moving forward.:)
I figured this week that you guys might know what I mean when I say that I've killed 504 spiders. So, I found the courage to take a picture before killing the little devil. 504 of these bad boys.
The wife of Dallin H. Oaks spoke for a few minutes yesterday, and I loved the message that she had to share. She said that all of our lives are really different. We all have different trials, challenges, and circumstances. However, Heavenly Father has given each of us equally the ability to choose how we use our time. So let us use our time for good! Let us use our time to lift each other up, share the good news of the gospel, and become more like our Savior Jesus Christ! :)
I know this church is true, that we are led by a living prophet, and His apostles. I love this gospel, I love the hope and light it can bring into our lives.
Have a great week!
Hermana Houston